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Necessary Types of Anti Aging Vitamins



As we grow older with each passing day, we realize that many physical changes are inevitable. Wrinkled skin is one of the conditions that develop with aging. Many people look for the ways to make their skin look younger. Taking supplements reduces visibility of wrinkles on the skin. There are more than 10 types of vitamins in our body that are responsible for protecting the skin and the body. Their main function is to catalyze metabolic processes, support developing tissue and control our body cells as well as the oxidation process.

Types of vitamins that help in controlling the aging process:
1. Vitamin E:
This type of anti aging vitamin is responsible for reconstructing the skin after it has been destroyed through cracking and aging. The vitamins can be in the form of a cream applied on the skins surface to help in the oxidation process. Vitamin E also helps the body in blood clotting and lowers the rate of developing cancer. You can avoid aging if you eat a balanced diet of vegetables, nuts and grains. You can also get vitamin E supplements through injections.

2. Vitamin C:
This type of anti aging vitamin prevents the skin from the sunrays and other environmental elements. It also aids in the production of other vitamins in the body and can be injected intravenously. Due to the protection induced on the skin, it can prevent skin cancer and prevent you from aging faster. For you to get vitamin C naturally, you have to eat a lot of fruits and potatoes.

3. Vitamin K:
Most aging people will start having wrinkles below their eyes as a result of hormonal imbalance in the body. Vitamin K is important if you want to prevent this condition. The veins in the eyes are kept strong thus allowing a lot of blood to circulate. Vitamin K can be injected in small amounts as a supplement because it is not required in large amounts by the body. It is also used to make our bones strong.

4. Vitamin B:
Vitamin B helps in building our body and physique. This vitamin is categorized into B3, B6, B complex and Niacin. Most animal products like meat, milk, eggs and nuts contain high traces of Niacin that help our body and skin store water. This helps strengthen our bodies and hence we can fight disease carrying organisms such as viruses. Presence of vitamin B reduces the amount of fats in your bloodstream and this helps in removing the dead cells in the body. If your body lacks this anti aging vitamin, your skin starts to itch and as a result appears to have scales like a fish. You may also contract other skin infections.

5. Vitamin A:
There are certain anti aging vitamins in the form of creams that will reduce the rate of oxidation, make your skin smooth and give a smooth feel when applied. This helps reduce the aging process of your skin. It also reduces the damage that is caused to skin hence slowing the rate at which your skin ages. However, taking large amounts of vitamin A could be harmful. Increased portions may lead to osteoporosis. You can get it from eating eggs, fish and liver. If you are using cream supplements like retinoid to get your daily dose of vitamin A, it is recommended that you apply it when going to sleep.

As you apply or take your anti aging vitamins, you must realize that they will never stop you from growing old, but will only assist in slowing down the process, but retaining your health. Visiting a dermatologist will provide sufficient information on products that will not have side effects and that will best work on you.

Anti aging vitamins are truly important when it comes to fighting the aging process. They are an easy source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and revitalize the body by boosting metabolism and cell growth. Click here for Anti aging supplements.


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